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Team App

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Project: Website with blog CMS
Role: Web Design - Development
Development: Webflow

Team App is a cutting-edge concept team collaboration platform designed to streamline and enhance the collaborative experience for modern teams.

At its core, Team App serves as a unified hub where teams can seamlessly communicate, manage tasks, and collaborate on projects. Real-time communication tools facilitate instant discussions, fostering quick decision-making and fluid information exchange.


The website has a clean and minimalistic look. The simplicity of the website's layout reflects the clarity and efficiency that Team App brings to team workflows.


The use of a restrained color palette, invokes a sense of professionalism and calm—an ideal backdrop for the fast-paced nature of collaborative work.


This website also includes a beautiful blog. I have built the website and the blog in Webflow which has one of the best CMS for blog hosting.

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Siraj Ahmed Khatri ⓒ 2024